Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Country Markets

Country markets are a much smaller version (think church hall) of a farmers market but sell a lot of the same things.  It took me over 5 years to discover the one in my town ,so it is almost a word of mouth kind of place.  It was originally started by the W.I. and some have been around for 25+ years. There are over 250 country markets throughout the U.K. with 10 markets in Oxfordshire.  Some of the slightly bigger ones in Oxfordshire are Wallingford, Abingdon and Eynsham. I started baking for the country markets this past spring. A friend of a friend was already doing it, so that helped to get me going.  I had visions of having a little homebaking business and also selling American kitchen products. Fastforward to now and I bake once a week for our local market.  I cover my costs and make a little but it is really just a hobby for now. I do mostly brownies and recently started doing pies.  I've done apple and pear, summer fruits, wild plum and apple and hoping to do wild blackberry and apple this week.   I've had some weeks where it has been slow and not much has sold and then other weeks where I sell out.  My kids think its great because they know at least once a week the house will smell gorgeous with baking and have deemed themselves the official tasters!  I can recommend country markets as either joining as a baker or trying it out as a consumer. For even more info go to  


  1. Is the picture of your pies? If so, they are pretty. The country market sounds fun. I don't utilize our farmers market as much as I should.

  2. Thanks they are my pies!I think I got the idea from Martha stewart to use a cookie cutter to design the pie crust.

  3. Good job! On the subject of farmer's markets, there is a peach farm not far from us. After eating peaches from there, I will never buy peaches from the store if I can help it. What a difference. The peaches actually have flavor and are juicy. Good stuff. And not expensive either.
